Current Projects

  • One person holding an umbrella over another person

    Experience Seeking Therapy

    This study involves an online survey and/or videoconferencing focus group. Participants will be asked about their experiences seeking mental health services for anxiety, OCD, emotion dysregulation, and/or BPD in the last year. 💫 Click here to complete a screener.

  • Lego heads

    Emotional Responding Patterns

    This study examines patterns of how people manage their emotions. It involves brief daily surveys about emotional coping strategies and distress. Survey prompts will be given via a smartphone app 4 times/day over 30 days. 🌟 Click here to complete a screener.

  • Interconnected lines

    Individual Networks in Context

    This study looks at how patterns of psychological functioning within the same person may be different on “good” vs. “bad” days. It involves completing brief daily surveys about mood and functioning over 2–3 months. ✨ Click here to complete a screener.

  • Plastic figures looking frustrated in office setting

    Failure to Treat

    This study examines reasons why some people with minoritized identities might not benefit from evidence-based treatment, through virtual interviews with people who have received treatment. We’re also aiming to identify possible needs from psychotherapy and/or therapists more broadly. ⭐️ Click here to complete a screener.

  • Hand holding iPhone

    Online Self-Help for Perfectionism

    Co-PI: Eric Lee, Ph.D.

    This IOCDF-funded study tests the effects of two self-help interventions for perfectionism. Participants can choose how much time to spend on the intervention over a 1-month access period. Recruitment is closed for this study.